YC206-B100125PL YUCHAI Parts Diesel Oil Seal

  • PART  CODE:          YC206-B100125PL
  • PART  NAME:         Diesel Oil Seal
  • CATEGORIZE:         YUCHAI Parts 
  • PART MODEL:        
  • APPLICATION:        


YC206-B100125PL YUCHAI Parts Diesel Oil Seal


The YUCHAI Diesel Oil Seal (part number YC206-B100125PL) boasts the following features:

  1. Exceptional durability ensures prolonged lifespan.
  2. Precision engineering guarantees a snug fit, preventing leakage.
  3. Withstands high temperatures and pressures, maintaining sealing integrity.
  4. Chemical resistance ensures compatibility with diverse fluids.
  5. Effortless installation minimizes downtime during replacement.


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No.333, Nanhuan Road, Qingzhou, Shandong, PR China
+86 13475858598

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