17500853200 60206000047 LWY085A LONKING Excavator Spare Parts Front Idler Assy

  • PART    CODE:        17500853200 60206000047
  • PART   NAME:        Front Idler Assy
  • CATEGORIZE:         LONKING Spare Parts
  • PART MODEL:        LWY085A
  • APPLICATION:       LONKING Excavator


17500853200 60206000047 LWY085A LONKING Excavator Front Idler Assy


The front idler assembly for the LONKING Excavator with the model LWY085A, bearing the new material number 17500853200 and the old material number 60206000047, possesses several distinctive features.

  1. Robust Construction: This LONKING Spare Parts component boasts a robust construction, ensuring durability and longevity even in demanding operating conditions.
  2. Precision Engineering: Each LONKING Spare Parts unit undergoes precision engineering to meet the stringent quality standards set by LONKING, guaranteeing optimal performance and reliability.
  3. Enhanced Functionality: The front idler assembly is designed to seamlessly integrate with other LONKING Spare Parts, contributing to the excavator’s overall efficiency and productivity.


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