11c2467 LIUGONG Parts CLG862H Wheel Loader Hydraulic Gear Pump

  • PART  CODE:          11c2467 
  • PART  NAME:         Hydraulic Gear Pump
  • CATEGORIZE:         LIUGONG Parts 
  • PART MODEL:        
  • APPLICATION:        CLG862H Wheel Loader


11c2467 LIUGONG Parts CLG862H Wheel Loader Hydraulic Gear Pump


The characteristics of the hydraulic gear pump spare part with material number 11C2467, designed for use in the LIUGONG CLG862H Wheel Loader, are as follows:

  1. Precision Engineering: Engineered with precision to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with the hydraulic system of the LIUGONG CLG862H Wheel Loader.
  2. Direct Replacement: Designed as a direct replacement for the original hydraulic gear pump, facilitating easy installation without the need for modifications or adjustments.
  3. Durable Construction: Constructed from high-quality materials and subjected to rigorous quality control standards to ensure durability and long-lasting performance, even in demanding operating conditions.
  4. Optimized Hydraulic Flow: Provides efficient hydraulic flow to power various hydraulic functions of the wheel loader, including lifting, tilting, and steering, for smooth and responsive operation.
  5. Sealed Design: Features a sealed design to prevent contamination of hydraulic fluid by dirt, debris, or moisture, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the hydraulic system.
  6. Low Noise and Vibration: Engineered to operate with minimal noise and vibration, enhancing operator comfort and reducing fatigue during prolonged use.
  7. Easy Maintenance: Designed for ease of maintenance, with accessible components and service points for quick inspection, lubrication, and replacement as needed, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.
  8. Compatibility Assurance: Manufactured to meet or exceed OEM specifications, guaranteeing compatibility and seamless integration with the hydraulic system of the LIUGONG CLG862H Wheel Loader.
  9. Safety Features: Incorporates safety features such as pressure relief valves and temperature sensors to prevent overloading and overheating, ensuring safe operation and protecting the hydraulic system from damage.
  10. Quality Assurance: Subjected to comprehensive testing procedures and quality control inspections to ensure reliability and performance consistency, providing peace of mind to equipment operators and owners.


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